Universes [mbtsmt]
Blessings the sisterly Muslim the smile she created from characters Muslim
Losing made the prophet peace be upon him of the smile from the charity
so said “[wtbsmk] in your face of brothers charity”
so Muslim smiles to knows that she high
self of character smiles me content in judgement Allah is lac whoever smiles me lion lac of service
blamed smiles me blamed lac
harmed smiles me for your fathers illusion important from all [maasbq]
smiles me for each from looks to you except the men of course:)
Smiled me for your problems and your worries before joy and your
smiles for your success smiled me when be new that the tear in assigned you imprisoned
smiled me when your
attendant rises from smiled me when your
attendant lodges to makes me the smile is custom will and find that directed you became beautiful on the shots
the smile increases you radiance and light
increases you loving in hearts the people
is close custodian always smiles for the all and from her smile loved her the all
smile lessens from your passivities and makes mental your in situation of generous
smiled me for that you Muslim and raved big thing makes you smiles